This exhibit is a three dimensional
exploration of flat, generative constructs projected onto curved surfaces.
The third dimension of the
Anaglyph Gardens can be seen through red and blue lenses as
a series of organic forms rising out of computer generated planes.
computational rendering. properly
viewed through red/blue glasses. Red lens over the left eye,
blue/cyan lens over the right eye.
To begin the exploration, computaional systems are grown in a customized,
generative paint program written in Macromedia Flash MX. The paint
program allows real time creation and positioning of three types of
reactive elements, space filling words, self
connecting nodes, and recursive
figure a.
typical results of the space filling word algorithm
The space filling word algorithm recursively fills a region
of space with increasingly smaller type. The source of English words
comes from external files containing lines of poetry or hard coded
collections of self-similar word sets. Filled regions of space were
texture mapped into computational scenes
and projected onto models.
The node garden algorithm instantiates
thousands of self-connecting nodes over a short period of time.
The resulting computational structure is an interconnected network
of simple elements. These node gardens were projected
onto female figures and photographed in three dimensions.
More information
on the node garden.
figure b.
typical results of the node garden algorithm
The tree garden generates a forest
of recursively grown trees. Properties of the tree such as branching,
trunk size, and age are controlled by settings within the paint program.
Individual trees were painted
onto models in real time and stereo-photograped.
figure c.
typical forest growth of the recursive tree algorithm
Each unique generated composition is then projected across curved,
organic surfaces. This resulting multidimensional scene is then stereo
Finally, pairs of photos are digitally combined to produce a 3D anaglyph.
stereo photograph.
four women in projected in the organized light of a Node Garden. The
stereo photographic technique used here places all three dimensional
forms behind the plane of the screen. This presents the illusion that
the scene is being viewed through a window.
This stereo photographic process is utilized in installations
with live models, and also within purely computational environments
where the object being projected onto is mathematical. Both
types of images will appear three dimensional when viewed through
red and blue glasses.
computational rendering.
a collection of metaspheres covered with the word fill algorithm.
This form was rendered in a computational environment. The technique
used here places the object midway between the plane of the
Please read About Anaglyph for more information
on the anaglyphic process and custom manufactured 3D glasses.