The Conentric Path component was inspired by the geometric designs
of the ancient Mimbres people of North America. A single instance
of the component generates a randomly walking path that follows
a series a concentric rings. A wide array of settings allow a great
deal of customization.
To use the Concentric Path component, drag
an instance from the Components Panel in Flash MX to the stage. The
component must be installed before you can use it. |
The following are all properties of the
Concentric Path component.
Number Of Rings
Controls the number of unique ring levels the path will follow on
its journey towards the center.
Erase Old Paths After
Controls the frequency with which old paths will be erased. Each time
the drawn line of the Concentric Path reaches the center, it begins
again at the outside radius. Paths eventually begin to overlap each
other and also require more and more CPU resources, so the Erase Old
Paths After value can be used to wipe the old paths away after so
many have been drawn.
Draw Only Once
Setting this Boolean value to True forces the component to draw only
one path.
Outer Radius, Inner Radius
These values control the outside and inside radii of the Concentric
Path. Double the outer number to figure the total size in pixels.
The Inner Radius should not be greater than the Outer Radius.
The Concentric Path is drawn using a large number of straight lines.
The Resolution is a value that controls how closely together the straight
lines are placed. The smaller the values, the higher the resolution
of the path. Extremely large values begin to show the straight lines
at higher radii. This can also be used as an interesting effect.
Line Thickness, Line Color
The first parameter controls the width in pixels of the drawn line;
a value of 0 creates a hairline path. The second describes the color
and opacity of the line; all paths of the Concentric Path use the
same color.
Chance Of Drop
A percentage that determines how often the path drops to the next
ring. High values create paths that quickly reach the center. Low
values create paths that tend to circle the origin before dropping
Chance Of Switch
You use this percentage to be used in combination with the Chance
Of Drop value. This value determines how likely it is that the path
will switch directions (clockwise or counterclockwise) after it drops.
High values create paths that switch back and forth quite a bit. Low
values create paths that tend to spiral towards the center.
Random Wandering
This value adds a nice little arbitrary walk to the path as it is
drawn. A value of 0 creates a perfectly round path, while higher values
tend to create a path that looks hand drawn.
XYZ Rotation
Using this setting, in degrees, the Concentric Path can be instructed
to rotate about any of its axes. If the component seems to rotate
too fast, try using decimal values (0.01). Positive values will rotate
the path clockwise, while negative values will rotate the path counterclockwise.
The Hidden Power of Flash MX
Components , paperback
372 pages | 1st edition (forthcoming) | Sybex
| ISBN: x |