root gravity index
monkey's tree city lines isometric blocks sea thing
flaggelum iterative IK nodes CA twist invader fractal
gathering line CA worm quarter round mosaic riley stack
network evolution particle emitter emotion fractal particle emitter
orbiting networks walking things oily stratum auscillator
deep Lorenz Triangulation play houyhnhnms irregular sticks
auto-fixing words panton geometri' 1 parallel bars component panton kurve
particle emitter component root gardener bit field particle emitter component, bacteria
seeds component pond ripple component particle emitter component, path tracing parallel bars component, Hidden Power
self-dividing forms geometric clustering bone piles moonlight destablized
geometric clustering fresh flash:  book fresh flash:  book Peters wave
self-dividing forms drawing blue boxes self-dividing forms
little critters, group photo fresh flash:  book fresh flash:  book cylinder rotational display
bone piles bone piles fresh flash:  book little critters, group photo
fresh flash:  book geometric clustering drawing blue boxes how to build a 6-bit book of change
moonlight print fresh flash:  book computational extremophile deterministic chaos
flash math creativity:  book 6-bit generative poetry engine moonlight blueprint drawing blue boxes
moonlight draftsman little critters, group photo moonlight print like moths to flame
AMODA object mosaic mandlebrot texture simple image scroller mandlebrot texture variation
diffusion limited aggregation storm front attractors random walking point in 3D
mycology main vein maeda swimmers
maeda study maeda game of skill maeda study maeda study
self organization self organization self organization self organization
emergence Barslund repulsion seed arrangements vortex
western family the golden mean, recusive construction thereof further numbers floating seeds
proximity strings runes typeface tornado code poetry images in stormy weather
Celestes cylinder rotational display folding pentagon articulation deterministic chaos
cool animation binary tree xml import and display
praystation encoded information Japanese tree garden grass
nodes node collisions nodes nodes
drifting controls helix garden of identification menu
late night abstraction particles node assembly simple instantiation
isometric Nine Block pattern generator depth isometric study
rotational voices animation darkside ode to the Soleri institute

white light