This project creates animated letter groupings that begin scrambled
but gradually configure themselves into actual words.
Individual letters can be clicked. Each time a letter is clicked,
it falls back into an increasingly longer 'scrambling state'.
A single function creates a new auto-fixing word anywhere on the stage.
Settings for how fast the word resolves and dissolves are passed as
ranges given in milliseconds. Each time a new word is created, it
assembles itself with scrambling letter objects. The scrambling letters
display random characters until locking onto their intended display
character. In this fashion, the auto-fixing word slowly pulls itself
The idea for this project was inspired by Tyler Woodelve, who suggested
words might not be configurable resources of conversation, but tangible
A known deficiency of the auto-fixing word is kerning. Only mono-spaced
words can be created. Also, an interesting enhancement of this project
might be the creation of entire bodies of text using auto-fixing words.
december 2001 |