The Emotion Fractal is a recursive space filling algorithm using English
words describing the human condition.
Use the Right Mouse button to Zoom In to the fractal. Reload the page
for an entirely new construct.

figure a.
space filling words of emotion
Given a rectangular area defined
by two points, that of the upper left and lower right corners, place
an arbitrarily sized word anywhere within it. Further subdivide the
remaining area into rectangles and repeat the process for each. The
result is a region of space completely filled with increasingly smaller
type. A limit on the depth of the recursive call exists in addition
to reasonably limiting the size of the region to be filled (in this
case, 8 square pixels or more). An exit strategy must always be formulated
in recursive construction, or the algorithm will run endlessly until
all available computational resources have been consumed.
The actual word placed is randomly determined, taken from a predefined
list of English words.
I particularly enjoy this algorithm. One might say that the Emotion
Fractal tells a winding tale human experience personal to each observer.
Continual variations on this theme took me to some weird places. See
artifacts of my adventures here, here, here, and here. |
october 2002 |