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Levitated Houyhnhnm

This generative construct assembles itself from left to right using two sets of colored bars. The bottom set maintains a constant height across the stage. The top set modifies the height of each bar using an irregular sinusoidal. Both sets of bars randomly offset their rotation.

The resulting image is intriguing perhaps because of the not so connected 'connectedness' of the bar elements. For additional curiosity, five bars are unhinged at random, allowing them to fall through the bottom of the stage.

Colors were taken from a palette of oxidizing metal.

Play Houyhnhnms was a call for global experimentation with a single, simple rule: Play Houyhnhnms. My contribution to the event was this randomly assembled animation that fit within the 15 second maximum running length.

There is no user interaction.
  jtarbell, november 2001  

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