Screen shots of the gold pressed Moonlight MIDI
Visualization Engine as displayed at the Jones
Center for Contemporary Art in Austin, TX
Each screen shot captures a moment in time.
As the audio of the piano composition plays in the background, colored
blocks of varying color, weight, and behavior float across the screen
towards the moment of the 'now'. Blocks colliding with the 'now'
light as they play, switching momentarily into a state of enlightenment.
Chopin's Polonaise Fantasie Op. 61, Winter
Three successive stills (3rd measure, 12th measure, 45th measure)
Notes can be seen drifting off into oblivion as the score moves
from right to left. The color of the notes are arranged in harmonic
groups. Lower notes appear towards the bottom while higher notes
float along the top. Changes in tempo are indicated with small white
triangles (not shown).
Rachmaninoff's Sonata No.2 in Bb, Spring
In this visualization mode, notes appear as lightly transparent blocks
until passing through the 'now' in which they become representational
vectors of diverse color. The vector shapes were generated from a
photograph of one of Austin's majestic purple crown sunsets. In this
fashion, each note has a unique shape. |
Rachmaninoff's Sonata
No.2 in Bb, Spring Extroversion
It is interesting to note the first time occurrence of new notes
through recognition of their associated shape. For some with excellent
musical abilities, this same process can be performed using only
the note's pitch.
Franz Listz's La Leggierezza,
Surface Fractal
A slight variation of the vector event visualization mode uses more
paintbrush-like strokes. This is an interesting effect as it causes
each block to appear to be 'loaded' with paint as it strikes the
WS Trachtman's Chevy Chase,
division pelagic spelled-out
I just had to throw in at least one good American rag time composition.
This particular choice shows the clarity and clockwork like precision
of phrases within the composition.
WS Trachtman's Chevy Chase,
division pelagic spelled-out
This particular visualization is unique in that a letter notation
is displayed while keys are played. These appear in standard western
notation as 'a', 'c#', 'g', etc... The color scheme is an adaptation
of the palette one might see staring out across the division that
separates ocean from sky.
Rachmaninoff's Sonata
No.1, jovian summer
Audibly, the patterns of this composition can barely be deduced.
However, when one views the rendered form, the note arrangement
begins to take a more meaningful form.
Rachmaninoff's Sonata
No.1, jovian summer
With a color scheme adapted from the atmosphere of Jupiter and subtle
expanding note bars, this visualization technique is certainly one
of my favorites.
Ludwig van Beethoven's
'Moonlight' Sonata No.14, Winter Destabilized
Zoomed out we can see the entire 1st movement of the composition.
In this mode, the score moves along very slowly. Notes passing over
the 'now' light and gently glide off into oblivion with a bit of
faked angular momentum. From this distance, the phrase patterns
(indicated by structure) and harmonic changes (indicated by color)
can be easily seen.
All images captured March, 2002